Stormy Lee Kennels: Raising Aussies & Labs in Colorado. Registered AKC & ASCA.

For Sale

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(Click each image/name for more details)

 2023 Aussie Litter 2023 Aussie Litter
5-1-2023 All Colors  
Born May 1st 2023 this beautiful litter of 10 puppies has the bloodlines of champions.
Sire: Stormy Lee's 1 SlickMove  Dam: Stormy Lee's Gypsy of Allheart

2011 2nd Aussie Litter2011 2nd Aussie Litter
12-28-2011 Blacks & Blue Merle  
Stormy Lee’s King Pistol & Countrywoods Stormy Lee Sparkles, introduce a new litter
Sire: ASCA CH Stormy Lee's King Pistol  Dam: Countrywoods Stormylee Sparks

2011 Aussie Litter2011 Aussie Litter
3-2-2011 Aussie Blues & Blacks  
Beauitful new litter of Blues and Blacks!
Sire: Countrywoods Causin Khaos  Dam: Stormy Lee's Mountain Spirit NJ,SN, CGC,

2012 All Black Litter2012 All Black Litter
3-4-2012 Blacks  
Litter of all blacks, 5 are bi’s!!
Sire: CH Stormy Lee's Mountain Peace, RE, OJ, CD, DNA-VP  Dam: Countrywoods Beauty To Stormy, RE, OJ, SN, CD, CGC

2012 Red Litter2012 Red Litter
2012 Red  
All Red Litter...Born Oct. 1st, 2012 ...all Sold, check back or email me with plans for Spring litter of 2013, another all red litter will be due!
Sire: ASCA CH Stormy Lee's King Pistol  Dam: Stormy Lee's Dance Of Las Rocosa

2013 First Aussie Litter2013 First Aussie Litter
4-24-2013 ALL REDS  
A Beautiful All Red Litter!!
Sire: Stormy Lee's Fire Inside, CD, RA, CGC  Dam: Stormy Lee's Mountain Spirit NJ,SN, CGC,

2015 Litter2015 Litter
4-19-2015 Aussies blues, red merles, red bi, blacks  
Litter of "Colors"
Sire: CH Stormy Lee's Mountain Peace, RE, OJ, CD, DNA-VP  Dam: Stormy Lee's Dance Of Las Rocosa

AUSSIE PUPS! 3 left from 6AUSSIE PUPS! 3 left from 6
10-8-18 All Colors Male 
8 weeks, 9 weeks on 12- 10-18 Blue Merle, with blue eye, stunning color, Dark Red Tri, & Red Bi Parents on site, grandparents, crate trained!
Sire: Stormy Lee’s Wyatt’s Choice  Dam: Stormy Lee’s Lilly Of The Valley

Bliss & WhiskyBliss & Whisky
10-31-2016 Red Merle & Black Tri Male 
2 pups, female & male
Sire: CH Stormy Lee's Mountain Peace, RE, OJ, CD, DNA-VP  Dam: Stormy Lee's Juice It Up

Blues & Blacks  2013Blues & Blacks 2013
7-7-2013 Aussies  
Very well marked, this cross is for doing it all!!
Sire: ASCA CH Stormy Lee's King Pistol  Dam: Countrywoods Beauty To Stormy, RE, OJ, SN, CD, CGC

CH Stormy Lee's 1 SlickTrick @ TreeStarr's CH Stormy Lee's 1 SlickTrick @ TreeStarr's
10-2008 Australian Shepherd Blue Merle Male 
"Joker" is a beautiful Bi, Blue Merle.
Sire: CH Malpaso Spur 'Em On Los Suenos CDX  Dam: CH Treestarr's Stormy's KatieLynn

CH Stormy Lee's Ol WaylonCH Stormy Lee's Ol Waylon
2-22-2008 Australian Shepherd Red Merle Male 
"Waylon" is our Bred By male, now a finished CH
Sire: Stormy Lee's Fire Inside, CD, RA, CGC  Dam: CH Treestarr's Stormy's KatieLynn

CH Stormy Lee's Rose Of Las Rocosa RN, CGCCH Stormy Lee's Rose Of Las Rocosa RN, CGC
Oct. 26, 2008 Red Mele Female 
Lottie is this girls name, pedigree speaks for itself
Sire: CH Las Rocosa Chance Of A Lifetime STDd OTDcs  Dam: CH Stormy Lee's Touchstone Rose

Ministik Journey To Stormy LeeMinistik Journey To Stormy Lee
8/13/2013 Aussie Blue Merle Male 
"SUNSHINE" is Journey’s nickname!!
Sire: Countrywoods My Bad Clyde DNA-VP  Dam: Miistik Dark Run N Coke STDd RN DNA-VP

Pistol & Sparkles blues & blacks 2013Pistol & Sparkles blues & blacks 2013
7-11-2013 Blue & Blacks  
New Babies, blues & blacks 2013
Sire: ASCA CH Stormy Lee's King Pistol  Dam: Countrywoods Stormylee Sparks

Puppies!! Born 9-2-2016Puppies!! Born 9-2-2016
9-2-2016 Australian Shepherd Blue Merles & Blacks  
2016 First Litter of this year!
Sire: Ministik Journey To Stormy Lee  Dam: Stormy Lee's Style'N With Countrywoods

Storm Lee's Style N With CountrywoodsStorm Lee's Style N With Countrywoods
3/4/2012 Aussie Black Bi Female 
Style is her name, fits her perfect!
Sire: CH Stormy Lee's Mountain Peace, RE, OJ, CD, DNA-VP  Dam: Countrywoods Beauty To Stormy, RE, OJ, SN, CD, CGC

Stormy Lee N Las Rocosa RoseStormy Lee N Las Rocosa Rose
11-14-2010 Australian Shepherd Red Tri Female 
Lil’Rose, a very nice deep liver red tri, a daughter of Stormy Lee’s Touchstone Rose
Sire: CH Las Rocosa Chance Of A Lifetime STDd OTDcs  Dam: CH Stormy Lee's Touchstone Rose

Stormy Lee’s Peaceful AllheartStormy Lee’s Peaceful Allheart
5/2020 Australian Shepherd Black Tri Female 
Lil’Beauty,,,,is a very well adjusted girl, trained obedience, with, sit, down, stay, easy, and of course come! This girl loads up for car ride,
SOLD - Asking: 3,500

Stormy Lee's Carbon CopyStormy Lee's Carbon Copy
March 4th, 2012 Aussie Black Bi Male 
Beauitful well trained male, for show, obedience, agility, ready for Rally and has won several puppy shows.
Sire: CH Stormy Lee's Mountain Peace, RE, OJ, CD, DNA-VP  Dam: Countrywoods Beauty To Stormy, RE, OJ, SN, CD, CGC

Stormy Lee's CoogenStormy Lee's Coogen
2014 Red-Tri Male 
ADULT For Sale,
Sire: Stormy Lee's Sir Finnegan  Dam: Countywoods StormyLee Angel

Stormy Lee's Lonesome Dove GusStormy Lee's Lonesome Dove Gus
7-7-2013 Aussie Black Tri Male 
Gus is a very correct male, first time shown WD, Winners Dog STORMY LEE"S LONESOME DOVE GUS!!
Sire: ASCA CH Stormy Lee's King Pistol  Dam: Countrywoods Beauty To Stormy, RE, OJ, SN, CD, CGC

Stormy Lee's Makin Farm CallsStormy Lee's Makin Farm Calls
10-1-2012 Red Tri Male 
"Doc" is 1 yr old
Sire: ASCA CH Stormy Lee's King Pistol  Dam: Stormy Lee's Dance Of Las Rocosa

Stormy Lee's Sir FinneganStormy Lee's Sir Finnegan
11-10-2010 Aussie Black Tri Male 
Stormy Lee’s Sir Finnegan
Sire: CH Stormy Lee's Ol Waylon  Dam: Countrywoods Stormylee Sparks

Stormy Lee's Whatever You NeedStormy Lee's Whatever You Need
7-7-2013 Black Tri Female 
"Nikie" is a very smart girl, ready for whatever someone needs!
Sire: ASCA CH Stormy Lee's King Pistol  Dam: Countrywoods Beauty To Stormy, RE, OJ, SN, CD, CGC

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